learning for kids

Privacy Policy
Privacy policy

1. Our service LearningForKids.net cares about the safety data provided for its users, especially against unauthorized access to their accounts.

2. We use cookies to store information about a user's session for the purpose of providing the highest quality of service. This process may also use third-party services that use cookies for advertising, statistical and social functions e.g. Facebook’s ‘like’ button and Google’s advertisements. Cookies are not harmful; they are files that a web server transfers to the user and then back to the server, all handled by your current web browser.

If you do not approve of these services you can disable cookies; to do this browse to the page ‘How to disable cookies’ and follow the instructions. However, doing this will limit the possibilities of your account on our site.

3. The data provided by users on the site belongs to the Learningforkids.net management and is not shared with any other companies or third parties.

4. We reserve the right to request for statistical basic information sent by your web browser, such as: date and time, IP address, request document name, browser type, etc. This data is transmitted in the header of the browser queries.

5. We reserve the right to gather data sent by the user on the forms on the site e.g. the information provided in contact form can be used for later contacting you in the future.

6. We reserve the right to change the current privacy policy without informing users. All changes, if any, will be then be applied to the current version of the privacy policy available on the site at: http://www.learningforkids.net/privacy-policy/

7. If you do not agree to the privacy policy of the site LearningForKids.net, please discontinue using the free service provided by LearningForKids.net including our free programs.

This site uses cookies and other technologies to offer you a better browsing experience. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.


Cats can make about 100 different sounds. Dogs make only about 10 different types of sound

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